Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Shooting Relationships

The last course this semester is Photography and we one of the assignments was to shoot with a film camera, shots on the topic 'Relationships'. The constraints were to keep the human element in mind and not shoot within a two km radius of the institute. It was one of a kind experience and I was happy with some of the pictures I took. After all the grueling walks throughout the city, the pictures are satisfying, especially when you are so under confident with a film camera! Here are a few of them.

Colour for this chappal: Earthy brown. I believe relationships are as strong as the earth.


  1. love the doggie one... others are also very good!!!

  2. Arey Dee has stolen my comment!! I was also gonna say that the doggie one is the best :D
    Film camera and all - ooo. Fancy ;)

  3. I like the first one(i think its because of all the blurness in the background) second one reminds me of myself!..and the quality of the film is much better than the ones you used BEFORE

  4. Was the very first photo always there? I think I only just noticed it! Cool hai - with the awesome (natural) lighting!

  5. Great post! I too like the one with the girl and dog, but many Indian street dogs look like this to me, almost as if they are a specific country breed. I love their noses. A regal nose is what attracted me to Peyton, our newly-adopted dog (from the Humane Society).
